Kenya Mutheka
Kenya is back on the shelf!! Our current offering is sourced from the Mutheka Estate Farm. located in Nyeri which is east of the Aberdare Ranges, at the foothills of Mount Kenya in the Central Kenya Region. This region is known for its intense, complex, and flavor dense coffees grown on rich red volcanic soil ideal for producing some of Kenya’s best coffees. The water utilized in the coffee production is clean water sourced from the Rundu, Gikara, and Thuti rivers.
The Aberdare range contributes significant climate influence over this part of the region, keeping the vegetation cooler. Coffees from this region tend to be rich and tangy, with syrupy texture and tart stone fruit notes.
Individual farmers in these fertile foothills average 250 coffee trees each, and half-acre plots per family.
Kenya is of course known for some of the most meticulous at-scale processing that can be found anywhere in the world. Bright white parchment, nearly perfectly sorted by density and bulk conditioned at high elevations is the norm, and a matter of pride, even for generations of Kenyan processing managers who prefer drinking Kenya’s tea to its coffee. Ample water supply in the central growing regions has historically allowed factories to wash, and wash, and soak, and wash their coffees again entirely with fresh, cold river water, according to tradition.
Cherries are hand-sorted for ripeness and floated for density before being accepted and de-pulped each day. After the coffee is washed, it’s soaked in fresh water for long periods of time to stop sugar fermentation and clean the parchment. The coffee is sun dried over a period of two weeks on raised beds, which are carefully constructed to ensure proper air circulation and temperature control for optimal drying.
Roasted lighter to keep the nuanced flavor of tangy and fragrant Orange blossom, sweet Black Currant, and warm spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, and nutmeg. We recommend brewing at a slightly higher temperature; between 203-205 degrees, and at a 1/15 ratio in order to extract the full potential of the coffee. Check out our pour-over brew tutorial here.
Variety: SL26 and SL34
Processing: Washed and sundried
Altitude: 2200 masl
Coffee Grading: AA
Roast Level: Light
Brazil - Natural Anaerobic
Brazil is well-known for their huge coffee plantations, similar to corn fields found in the United States. Brazil is one of the world's largest coffee producers, providing a third of the world's supply.
Our latest Brazilian offering is produced by Acácio Dianin from Castelhana Farm, in Minas Gerais. The farm is located in the town of Monte Carmelo, in the region of Cerrado Mineiro. Dianin is a fourth generation producer in this long-established family of coffee growers. His fondness for coffee growing and technology, led to Dianin being one of the first to apply the irrigation system now in use in the Brazilian region of Cerrado Mineiro.
Implementing new technology, raised the bar for quality coffees in the region, which ultimately brought about an evolved coffee culture. The region has seen increased coffee education and knowledge, improved relationships between specialists and employees, and increased productivity.
Together, they found an all around improved coffee experience for both the producers and the consumers.
We've found this Anaerobic processed coffee to have rich Dark chocolate covered acai berry notes with hints of nutmeg spice and vanilla sweetness. Even with an anaerobic process, this coffee refrains from being too winey and is a very well rounded naturally processed coffee. We suggest brewing at 203-205 degrees at a 1/16 ratio. Great as a pour-over or french press.
Variety: Topazio
Altitude: 1100 masl
Processing: Anaerobic Natural
Roast Level: Medium
Del Principe Decaf
Origin: Honduras Honey
Roast Level: Dark
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Nutty, Savory
Processing: Mountain Water
Colombia- Double Fermented
We are excited to present you with our newest coffee offering from smallholder farmer Gilberto Salinas in Cali, Colombia!!
We are proud to work with Cosecha Traders, a social impact enterprise that supports smallholder farmers in vulnerable regions of southwestern Colombia, connecting them with specialty coffee roasters in the US and promoting the direct-trade relationships that increase the growers’ economic potential. Through empowering the communities of disenfranchised farmers in remote, conflict-affected regions where specialty coffee is grown, Cosecha Traders works in partnership with them, helping them gain stability in an unstable environment.
Despite the pandemic, social protests, and armed conflict, these microlots have continued to produce some of the most sought after coffee in the country! We hope that you will enjoy this coffee as much as we have!
This is coffee is a Double fermented washed coffee, resulting in a clean, juicy, fruit-forward cup without the sometimes overbearing winey notes that anaerobic coffees can produce. We have found this delightful coffee to have tasting notes of Dried apricot, macadamia nut, and cherry cola.
We recommend brewing using your favorite method between 203-205 degrees.
Variety: Castillo, Colombia, Caturra
Processing: Double Fermented Washed
Altitude: 1950 masl
Roast Level: Medium Light
Dominican Spirit Mountain-Geisha Limited
We are thrilled to present you a different varietal from our friends at the Spirit Mountain Coffee Farm on the beautiful caribbean island of the Dominican Republic! We purchase our green coffee directly from Spirit Mountain Coffee Farm. Where their focus is producing high quality coffee in an environmentally sustainable way while honoring the dignity of those who work for them. They are passionate about human souls, loving and serving their neighbors, and making our world a better place.
Spirit Mountain Coffee is estate grown on a 350 acre plantation in the mountains of the Dominican Republic. The plantation is relatively small as coffee farms go, it is located at the prime average growing altitude of 4,000 ft. More than 200 varieties of trees provide the coffee canopy. They are internationally certified organic by UTZ, signaling their commitment to ensure sustainable agriculture becomes a reality.
They maintain social responsibility by caring for the communities near Spirit Mountain and investing deeply in education via the Doulos Discovery School and the Manabao public school. Their coffee is both Smithsonian Bird Friendly and Rainforest Alliance certified, which means that we take of not only the biodiversity of the earth, but the water sources and communities surrounding our plantation.
You can read more about Spirit Mountain Coffee here:
Taking great care, the coffee is harvested when the fruit is fully ripe, one cherry at a time. This is a Geisha Washed Select varietal. Processed using a Wet Mill and a non mechanical method for removing the mucilage and dried on Raised African Beds.
In order to get it's full sweet potential with delicate notes of Candied Orange, White Chocolate and creamy cashews. We suggest brewing at 203-205 degrees at a 1/16 ratio. Great as a pour-over or french press.
Variety: Geisha
Altitude: 1,400 masl
Processing: Washed
Roast Level: Medium
Del Rey Espresso Blend
This blend of Brazil and Honduras is complex and sweet as a straight shot, and powerful enough to hold its own in milk. It will not let you down. This is our cafe work-horse.
Can be brewed as espresso or drip, don't let the intention of the blend hold you back. No matter what you will find the brilliant notes of Chocolate, Orange, and Hazelnut with a smooth, rich finish. Brew at a temperature of 202-203 for best results.
Note from the Roaster: If you are brewing espresso at home, make sure to pay attention to 4 major things; Dry Dose, Wet Dose, Time, and Pressure. Here are some guidelines for our Del Rey espresso:
Dry Dose: 18g of coffee in
Wet Dose: 38g of espresso out
Time: 26-29s
Pressure: 9-10bars
Roast Level: Medium
Papua New Guinea
Our latest South East Asian Coffee offering is from Sigri Estate in the Wahgi Valley, Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Coffee production in PNG is 85-90% smallholder coffees. Coffee, almost entirely, follows the same chain
of custody: smallholder to cherry buyer to miller to exporter to importer to roaster. Coffee that changes hands so frequently can be problematic, leaving the smallholders vulnerable to exploitation, making even a basic level of traceability impossible, and often times quality is sacrificed in the process.
Sigri Coffee Estate is one of the very few “single estates” in Papua New Guinea. From the nursery to the loading container, even holding their own in-house export license, the estate personally manages the entire production process. This enables protection of estate pickers, consistent quality, and possibilities to experiment.
This enables protection of estate pickers, consistent quality, and possibilities to experiment. Ultimately, the connection of coffee producers to end consumers has allowed for complete traceability and social responsibility of all parties.
Soil and water conservation are a priority to Sigri and the estate is bird and eco-friendly. Sigri employs a medium density shade strategy, using two types of shade trees to promotes even ripening of coffee cherries while providing a habitat for at least 90 species of birds.
Sigri coffees are washed Arabica coffees that undergo a rigorous wet-mill factory process. Quality Control begins in the field; Cherries are hand-picked and carefully checked for ripeness and uniformity which allows for the correct balance of sugar and acid within the cherry. The selected cherries are pulped on the day of picking, followed by a 3-day fermentation process which is broken every 24 hours by washing. Unlike other coffees in the region, the Sigri process follows this by total immersion in water for a further day. This allows for a balanced flavor. After sun-drying, the coffees are carefully conditioned for 21 days, followed by destoning, hulling, grading, densitometric sorting, color sorting, and finally hand sorting.
“Kula” is a term used exclusively by this coffee producer, which refers to special processing guidelines. The “Kula” coffees are dried on raised beds and go
through two rounds of color-sorts and two rounds of hand-sorts. This extra processing creates one of the cleanest PNG coffees being produced today.
We typically find that coffees from the Asia/South Pacific growing region are able to withstand a darker roast in order to achieve it's peak flavor. In this carefully roasted Peaberry coffee, you'll find the traditional bold flavor of a SE Asian coffee. We tasted hints of roasted bell pepper, Agave sweet notes, and tangy hints of tamarind. This is the ideal coffee for a French Press, but tastes amazing on a pour-over as well. Brew at 200-202 degrees to get the best flavor possible.
Variety: Typica Peaberry
Altitude: 1600 masl
Processing: Fully washed and dried on raised beds
Roast: Medium-Dark